Friday, August 9, 2013

The Oath

Statuary warning: Don't bother reading if you lack commonsense
I've never been a big fan of writing blogs to get a point across, but this time is an exception.

The Beginning
After the long discussion we had at "You Know Where" it was apparently clear that none wanted to take the oath for the sake of upholding ethics in their life. It has been and always will be for the sake of personal gain. I'm happy about one thing though, that the discussion involved a lot brainstorming though majority wasn't about the oath.

The Oath
All I can say about the oath is that It was good, especially the strawberry lemonade!

The End
In the end, a quarter of the people who were eagerly enthusiastic about taking the oath, in the initial discussion, ended up taking the oath along with few others who opposed it. Some for the certificates, some for pictures and some for the food. In the end the oath and the food that followed was done and we came back to the study room, where we were doing the individual take home exam in groups and to post the pictures showing this great achievement in Facebook; In my case, write this stupid blog. After all, Ethics is one thing everyone should show they have, but never try to build.

In the end the question remains: What is the probability of a person, who takes an ethics oath for free food, to end up as an ethical person?